justin ripped hammer


Whether your ultimate goal is muscle growth, fat loss, strength, or speed, you are going NOWHERE Fast without knowing the PRECISE diet plan you should follow.

Sure, I provide lots of tips for eating healthy in BBF 2.0 and you probably know the basics. But do you know the nitty gritty details of each and EVERY muscle food? 

Do you know the precise amount of food to get cover model ripped in no time!?

Believe it or not, the stuff you put in your mouth every day is even MORE important than your Training! Before you start pointlessly plugging away in the weight room, you need to learn EXACTLY what foods will help you MAXIMIZE your results the FASTEST.

Eat too little of this, too much of that, or if you start skipping critical meals – expect to see ZERO results from all of your hard work at the gym.

Great bodies are BUILT IN THE KITCHEN!

Introducing my revolutionary, muscle-building diet guide, Muscle UP Diet!


What YOU get with the Muscle UP Diet Guide:

Diet Book

  • The MOST Important Piece of the Puzzle
  • What are YOUR Goals?
  • Back to the Basics: Proteins, Fats, and Carbs
  • Every Body is DIFFERENT
  • The Right Diet for YOU
  • How Much Should You Eat?
  • Meal Frequency – Does it Really Matter?
  • Tailoring Your Training to Your Diet
  • Supplements: Are They Worth the Cost?
  • My Favorite Muscle-Building Meals


We’ve gone over this once, but I can’t say it enough: you’ve got to eat to grow!

This isn’t a manual for guys who “don’t want to get too big.” This is the book for skinny guys who want to FINALLY pack on some NOTICEABLE size! You know, the guys who claim they “eat a lot,” yet couldn’t gain a pound if their lives depended on it.

If that sounds like you, then THIS is your starter guide. It’s got all the info you need to pick the right foods (and supplements) for maximum growth.

Grab my Muscle UP Diet Guide today for just $27!

My Muscle UP Diet guide contains all my cutting-edge Diet secrets used by top fitness models and is SURE to get you killer results!

Today only you can get the complete 68 page report for just $27 – this is THE the ultimate guide to building nutrition and muscle!

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…so I have just 1 question….

Are YOU Ready to Learn the Diet Secrets of the Pros?

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 Yes Justin, I want instant access to your Muscle UP Diet Guide!


Click here to take advantage of this great offer for just $27!